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You're viewing Squad Leader Cheat Codes

Game Name : Squad Leader
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:44:54
Views : 22479

Hint :
Tip: Always try to end each character's turn with enough action points to kneel. This improves their return fire and makes them more difficult to hit.

Tip: First move should always involve a scout moving as far forward as possible. They can be used to trigger ambushes, reveal enemy locations plus all the rest of your troops get a shot if the enemy is uncovered. This is a good thing when you have artillery or tanks.

Tip: Use grenades on enemies inside of buildings, bunkers, or trenches.

Tip: Don't use smoke grenades until after all your men have fired their shots. That way, you get to maximize your attack and minimize the enemies' options.

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